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Executives, Leaders, CeO

  • Senior executives, CEOs, and high-level leaders who are responsible for strategic decision-making and driving organizational vision.
  • Individuals in leadership roles who want to enhance their effectiveness, influence, and impact within their organizations.

Ready to Commit

  • Leaders who understand the importance of personal and professional development and are willing to invest time and effort into the coaching process.
  • Individuals committed to making significant changes in their leadership approach and personal growth.


  • Leaders, executives and CEOs who are open to feedback, willing to self-reflect, and ready to implement new strategies and behaviors.
  • Individuals who recognize the value of an external perspective and are prepared to engage in honest and constructive dialogue.

Seeking Transformation

  • Leaders who are experiencing significant change or transitions in their careers, such as a new role, organizational restructuring, or strategic pivots.
  • Individuals who need to adapt quickly and effectively to new challenges and opportunities.
unlock your potential

Coaching Packages

Explore Self-Awareness and Clarity

1 Session

This package is perfect for leaders, executives and CEO seeking immediate insights and quick solutions to specific challenges.

  • Duration: 1 x 60-minute session
  • Focus Areas:
    • Identify immediate leadership challenges
    • Gain quick insights through powerful questioning
    • Develop actionable strategies for short-term goals
  • Benefits:
    • Immediate clarity on pressing issues
    • Quick, impactful takeaways
    • Ideal for addressing specific concerns

Investment – RM987 (on demand)

Deepen Self-Realization and Strategic Thinking

5 Sessions

Designed for leaders, executives and CEO looking to dive deeper into self-awareness and develop a more strategic approach to their leadership.

  • Duration: 5 x 60-minute sessions
  • Focus Areas:
    • Comprehensive self-assessment and feedback
    • Develop a personalized leadership plan
    • Enhance strategic decision-making skills
    • Foster emotional intelligence and resilience
  • Benefits:
    • Sustained personal and professional growth
    • Clear alignment of personal and professional goals
    • Ongoing support and accountability

Investment – RM4,181 (15% Discount)

Transformative And Sustainable Success

10 Sessions

This package offers an extensive coaching experience for leaders, executives and CEO committed to long-term growth and transformational change.

  • Duration: 10 x 60-minute sessions
  • Focus Areas:
    • In-depth exploration of personal and professional goals
    • Develop a holistic leadership strategy
    • Achieve breakthrough moments and sustained clarity
    • Implement and refine sustainable business practices
  • Benefits:
    • Deep, transformative change
    • Enhanced leadership capabilities
    • Long-term strategic vision and clarity
    • Comprehensive support and continuous improvement

Investment – RM6,765 (30% discount)

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